Cheese Torta del Casar (Extremadura), 395Gr

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Made in Casar de Caceres (Extremadura). It is a raw milk cheese from sheep, from tender to semi-cured, compact but soft and with unctuous paste. Bark washed in oil. Soft but strong flavor, slightly bitter, buttery with straw aroma and dry grass tones.

Wine pairing: White wines aged in oak such as the wines of Navarra, Penedés, La Mancha, and Riojas. Crianza and reserve red wines from Ribera del Duero, Bierzo, Rioja, Navarra, La Mancha, Cariñena, and Priorato. Oxidative aging wines from Andalusia such as Jerez and Montilla-Moriles and Manzanillas past.


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Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Gary Beharrell
A treat

This has a reputation as the champagne of cheeses and after discovering it in Spain, I would agree. Not for me birthday cake, bu Torta del Casar - a treat especially if you love soft and slightly salty cheese.

Emily Swift-jones

I’ve been trying to get hold of this cheese for years having enjoyed it in Southern France. We have problems with lactose and most of the cheeses which have similar spreadable texture are cow cheese so this is an awesome treat for us and it’s so rich and flavoursome that it goes a looooong way !!!